Medical Offices Paying More for Phone Service

medical doctorWe have found that medical offices are paying much more than they need to for their phone service.  This includes Doctors, Dentists, Chiropractors, Psychiatric professionals, Pain Clinics, and more often than not, Veterinarians.

There is uncertainty as to why this is, but what is certain; VOIP phone service, and the equipment technology that integrates with it, can help them dramatically reduce their costs and improve patient services.

Here are the top three reasons:

  1. VOIP internet based phone lines often cost 1/2 to 2/3 LESS than standard phone lines
  2. Since many medical practices have multiple locations,  VOIP allows these locations to work as one – all for lower cost
  3. VOIP’s Unified Communications feature allows medical practices to immediately locate view patient history and other information the moment staff answer that patient’s incoming phone call.

With  expenses related to rising health care costs and increased paperwork demands, not to mention dealing with issues related to all of the uninsured, we appreciate that medical practices have multiple challenges.  By switching to VOIP telephone service and equipment, a few of those challenges can be reduced or even eliminated.