Use Your Voicemail as a Service/Sales Enhancement Tool

voicemail systems Voice mails were developed to actually improve the quality of personalized service that  businesses provide to their customers!  When used properly they can do just that

Here are some tips for the recording on your individual  voice mail box greeting – that can help your voicemail do just that!

  1. Never offer to return someone’s call “as soon as possible”…  That has come to mean “your call will get returned  whenever I feel like it.if at all”  That’s not the type of reassurance you want to give to a customer or prospect.  Instead, give a specific time frame by which you return calls, e.g. 2 business hours or 1 business day; the sooner you return calls, the better response you receive (this is particularly true in sales).  Also, try adding your  mobile phone  number so you can be reached immediately.
  2. Include your email address.  Having multiple options for reaching you leads to feelings of better service…and sales.
  3. Try putting a “tip of the day” or some other type of helpful information on your message (but make it short!); this provides a value added experience for those calling you.

Try these tips! Your customers will love you for it!



